Wednesday, 26 February 2014

You have some crazy ideas!

Hello everyone!!

Hope that you all are having a nice week!
Today I think that this sweater made some effect on me, because I was doing crazy things to take this photos... First, was really cold weather but I took off my jacket and shoot a few photos without it. And second, I started to jump like some child. 
Conclusion, I really seemed a crazy person, but I enjoyed myself a lot to take these pictures!

Oh and I almost forgotten to say, these boots are my new babies...they are so comfortable and I had my eyes on them for such a long time and finally now in the last sales I had the chance to have them (do not think twice at the time of the purchase)!

Sometimes it's good have some crazy ideas! ;)

Kisses JoanaC.

Sweater: Zara kids  Skirt: H&M  Jacket: Mango  Bag: Parfois

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